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Bluprint Home

Design forward, smartphone connected, goal oriented, coffee maker that cares about your entire day and not just your morning.

Video for Kickstarter Campaign

Video for Kickstarter Campaign


The only coffee maker that cares about your entire day, not just your morning.


July 2020 - March 2022


I initially discovered an opportunity when I returned to my parentโ€™s home at the start of COVID and found their existing coffee maker to be mediocre and also quite ugly. As I typically buy my coffee at a local coffee shop or from my office, I was new to the at-home market. In searching for a new coffee maker that met my needs, I went on Amazon and was surprised by the negative reviews . I conducted customer interviews to understand what consumers wanted in a home appliance. After extensive research, I come up with the idea of what would become Bluprint Home: a design-forward, smartphone-connected, direct-to-consumer coffee maker.


I hired a freelance industrial designer to create renderings and tested those designs through Facebook and Instagram ads. The feedback was positive, yielding over 300 email signups at less than $3.30 per signup. I offered a $5 Amazon gift card to people who were willing to have a 15 minute phone call to provide feedback. After conducting over 100 interviews, I learned that customers were looking for a coffee maker they could be proud to leave out on their kitchen counter and something they could control with their phone. So, I went to work building out the concept.


$45,000 (bootstrapped)


Instead of doing custom injection molding which can cost $200K+, I worked with a factory in China who had pre-existing models that could be adapted. I hired a freelance industrial designer to create renderings and an electrical engineer to produce the circuit board. Based on these renderings, I was able to get a working prototype built in China that I could test for functionality and design before committing to a production order.


With rising costs, I needed to calculate my margins to see if Bluprint could be profitable: financial models said I could sell the product for between $220 with a fully landed cost of goods at $69.00. Gross margin would be $140. I estimated CAC to be $20-$25 and total SG&A $55, putting operating margins at a sizeable 38%. Further pricing ads experiments and signups confirmed customers willingness to pay for the coffee maker at $200-220.


Ultimately, I realized that I had no real recurring revenue model, as a coffee subscription was out of the question because of low margins. With high supply chain costs and other challenges, I made the painful but strategic decision to not launch the product. And although Bluprint Home never saw the market, I continue to be proud of all the work I put in. Over the course of 13 months, I learned volumes about all the facets of consumer insights, product development, market research, supply chain and logistics.

Ask Pete About...

-Putting together the video shoot for the Kickstarter campaign. I have a whole new respect for Spielberg.
-Shipping container costs going from $2,500 to $18,000 in 4 weeks.
-The factory sourcing agent (a former well-known D2C water bottle company CEO) turned out to be a fraud.

Behind the scenes at video shoot

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